Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Written Welcome from Pastor Everett Miller

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Welcome to the blog site of the First Presbyterian Church of Newkirk, Oklahoma. We are glad that you have taken a few minutes to check us out. One of our elders commented to me very early on in my ministry here that “We are small but we are mighty.” I have found this to be true and it is our prayer that you do as well.

In addition to Sunday School at 9:30 am and our Sunday worship at 10:30 am, we often have special studies on Wednesday evenings. These studies have included such topics as Walking through Lent with the Gospel of John, What is Worship?, and most recently Presbyterianism 101: A Lighthearted Look at our History, Theology, Worship, and Polity.

This congregation believes that the church is not merely a building, but the church is a people called out by God and sent into the world. This belief drives us to be involved in both local and international Christian missions. We held a reading camp for elementary school students, provided numerous volunteers for a three-church Vacation Bible School, purchased Christmas gifts for families in need, deliver meals on wheels during the months of April and October, and join in worship with the residents of the local nursing home. In addition, three of our members have just returned from a mission trip to the Czech Republic.

If you were to worship with us on a Sunday morning you would meet people from one-year-old to over eighty. Regardless of the ages of the people you might meet, you would encounter Christians who aren't perfect, who don't know it all, who are struggling to walk the way of Christ, but who are grateful for God's grace and enjoy worship and fellowship with one another.

We hope you will visit us. If you are looking for a church family that is truly family, you won't find a better group of people. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday!

Grace and Peace,
Rev. Everett Miller